Students are able to check out up to 3 books for 2 weeks. Students are able to visit the library at lunch with a lunch pass.
How many books can I check out?
3 books for 2 weeks. Bring your student ID. Need more time to finish a book? Renew it!
What happens if my book is late or overdue?
No problem! Just... Return your book!!! You will not incur a fine unless the book is lost or damaged.*
When can I come to the library?
Lunch, After school, or with a class. Want to come to the library during lunch? Get a lunch pass from Mrs. Salas the morning you want to come for lunch. Come to the library after you have eaten lunch.
What can I do at the library?
- Play board games
- Work on a puzzle
- Draw
- Catch up on homework
- Checkout a new book
- Read
*Lost or damaged: A book is automatically considered lost if not returned to the library or renewed within 3 months. A book is considered damaged if there are any liquid spills, ripped/torn pages, and/or drawings or markings.